Affirmative Prayer Request
According to Dr. Ernest Holmes, “…treatment is the time, process and method necessary to the changing of our thought.” In its simplest explanation, treatment is affirmative prayer. By using a five-step formula, we are able to change the state of our thoughts so that we recognize the attributes of God, unify ourselves with those attributes, realize that our desired outcome is at hand, give thanks, and let God take over. Spiritual Mind Treatment is a powerful process that shifts our consciousness so that we can accept the good that is already present in our life. If you would like us to do a ‘Spiritual Mind Treatment’ for a condition you are currently experiencing in your life, submit your request below, and rest assured that your request is kept sacred and confidential. Every request sent to us receives loving, compassionate attention. Please know that we are here for you and that you are never alone.
If you would like to learn more about affirmative prayer, also known as Spiritual Mind Treatment and Law of Attraction, check out our page What Is Affirmative Prayer? If you would like to contact one of our practitioners directly go to our Practitioners page, and to learn what they do and how they can assist you check out What is a Practitioner?